
Adam Kitchen

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Frustration setting in - should I continue?
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Considering quitting (again) - why continue?

Creator Journeys Edition 06 It’s my birthday next week. I’ll be 35 years old and it's making me reflect a lot on what I want out of this business. After another busy week, I was driving home from the gym last night and that pesky devil popped over my shoulder and asked me “Why am I doing this?” Truthfully, it’s not the first time I’ve considered quitting this business. Ever since Blake dropped out earlier this year, it’s been a struggle to refine the business model and start to go to the well...

7 Pillars of epic content that goes viral

Creator Journeys Edition 05 I got banned from LinkedIn this week. You can read about my experience here. It’s pretty terrifying to think about how your livelihood can be pulled out from under you without mercy by an algorithm or unfair report. It’s reaffirmed the importance of my belief that every creator that builds online needs to have two distinctive communication platforms: 1 that’s ‘rented’ media, and 1 that’s ‘owned’ media. Rented media essentially refers to social media channels such...

This weeks business pdate

Creator Journeys Edition 04 It's 8:30 am, Sunday the 11th of August. I try to write these newsletters on Thursday so they're planned in advance but this week has been insane. Thankfully, my son's Grandad arrived late last night and is helping us with a little babysitting today which is much needed! I knew it was going to be hard to juggle owning 2 businesses and raising a child but the time compression throughout the days is seriously intense recently and has been having an impact on my...

It’s been another testing week at Content Army. So much is spinning through my head trying to make sense of this business as I try to figure out: Marketing Sales Fulfillment It feels like there are a million things I need to figure out and change and I’m having to remind myself that at this stage of business, upon reflection, leads to the best self-development. Running around like a headless chicken trying to make things work feels immensely frustrating at the time but it is what you usually...

Creator Journeys Edition 02 It’s funny how quickly things can change in business. Last week was a major down point for me (read about what happened here) - this week I feel on top of the world. Here’s why I’m in a much better mental state, an update on the cohorts vs done-for-you dilemma and why I believe things are about to turn the corner. CONTEXT Last week I was frustrated with: The business model (cohorts vs agency) Client churn Lead generation Team Financial pressure Not spending enough...

Creator Journeys Edition 01 My Business is Failing - Should I Quit or Pivot? I’ve had one of the hardest working weeks of my life, and on Friday, my long-time business partner & great friend Andrew Langhorn delivered a brutal assessment of how I’m spending my time with Content Army. While running around like a headless chicken trying to run sales, marketing, reposition the business model, and service our existing clients, Andy dropped some scathing criticism of my plans for running regular...